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The Biography of Somdej Toh (Toh Phromarangsi)


Somdej Toh or Archan Toh was born on 17th day of April in 1788 (B.E.2331), in a small village of Kamphaeng Phet Province of the Chakri Dynasty, known formally as Phra Buddhachan Toh Phromarangsi, he was born before his father became the King. Among devotees he is addressed as Somdej Toh or Archan Toh, he is one of the most beloved and famous Buddhist monks during Thailand's Rattanakosin period in Thailand ruled under King Rama. Somdej Toh is a venerable person in Buddhism. Somdej Toh was named "Toh" before his monk hood and then "Phromarangsi" as his ordination-name.


When Somdej Toh ordained as a novice at the age of 12. His family took him to Wat Nibbanaram - currently Wat Mahathad in Bangkok, a temple right across the road from the Grand Palace. At the age of 21, in 1807 (B.E.2350), he ordained as a monk under the Royal Patronage at Wat Praseeratanasasadaram (Wat Prakeo) in Bangkok. Later he refuge in Wat Rakang ability to further his knowledge, he studied hard at the temple on philosophy in Buddhism and various Buddhist scriptures. Well-versed in Buddhist teachings, he was also named as Maha Toh, the King monk.


He was noted for the skill of his preaching and Thai poetry to reflect the beauty of Buddhism. He studied the Buddhist scriptures of Pali scriptures with several Buddhist masters. A shilled meditator with closed connection with the royal family, Somdej Toh was famous for his wide popularity of his humble, despite his ranking and considerate, he was easily approach for communicating with advices and offered blessings with people at all levels of life. After becoming a well-known monk, he became the preceptor for Prince Mongkut, Prince Mongkut later became King Rama IV of Thailand.

When Prince Mongkut was ordained as a monk. Somdej Toh was his senior monk, the one who taught him initially in Dharma and Vinaya. Soon after Prince Mongkut was appointed to a clerical post, his father the present King passed away. The Privy Council appointed one of his brother as King Rama III in place of his father. Somdej Toh in the course of his studies in Buddhist practice. he decided to leave Bangkok and went for “Thudong” alone, deep into the jungle to the border of Thailand, Laos and Cambodia for more than 2 decades. Thudong is a monk’s journey to gain knowledge to build up good karma and to know the teaching of Buddha. Prince Mongkut remained in the temple as a monk for 20 years. When King Rama III (his brother) passes away, Prince Mongkut was then offered the throne. So Prince Mongkut disrobed and was reign as King Rama IV.


As time goes by, in the year 1860 (B.E.2403), when King Rama IV built the Holy City Hill named “Phra Nakhon Khiri Royal Palace” locally it is known as Khao Wong or Palace Hill in Phetchaburi province, the King Rama IV invited the country monks for the opening ceremony and celebration in a grand manner. Among the monks, the King gave the order decree to fetch Somdej Toh back to Bangkok from Thudong. Royal Officer were sent out into the forest to look for him, or bring back any monk they could found. Finally the topic been brought to his attention, Somdej Toh voluntarily intended to returned back to Bangkok after 20 years of Thudong. He was invited for the ceremony, Somdej Toh set off his journey with a boat to Bangkok for the celebration, while on his way there was a sea storm occurred. Somdej Toh step out in front of the boat and with his virtue of prayer he waved his hand toward the sea. The wind died down and the sea storm was completely calm. It can said that with his prayer even the wind and the waves obey him. Somdej Toh had long been the favourite of the King. After that occasion, King Rama IV appointed him to be in charge of Wat Rakang, and provided him with the title of “Somdej”, is a high rank title a monk hold. After receiving the title his name was revealed as Somdej Toh until today.

During King Rama IV reign year 1864, Somdej Toh was given the ceremonial name Phra Buddhacharn Toh Phromarangsi. Another contribution of Somdej Toh is the Chinabanchorn (Jinnabanchorn) Katha. This Katha was an ancient Buddhist katha, which Somdej Toh received from an old scroll from Sri Lanka. After having the Katha, on some occasions Somdej Toh editing and rewrite to improved the Katha scriptures from the original one making it easier to pray. The Katha is named “Chinabanchorn”, which is the same name to Tao Maha Phrom Chinabanchorn. Somdej Toh used this katha for ceremony chanting, blessing and meditation all the times whatever he do. Chinabanchorn Katha is known as the most powerful Katha of all and believed to be the supreme Buddhist spell because the words of this Katha invited the magic power of Lord Buddha Somdej Phra Sammasam Buddhachao, other Lord Buddhas and Phra Arahants. Phra Somdej amulets generally is good for protecting the worshipper from avoidance of misfortune, accident, disaster, dispelled black magic, evil spirits and ghosts.


There is one story tells early in his reign. There was a time, before Somdej Toh went for Thudong, he went to reside at Wat Rakang to further his studies. The night before, abbot of the temple dreamed that a white elephant was moving toward the direction of the temple and devoured all the scriptures in a boxes, the abbot was awaken by the horrifying dream, the next morning he felt that a conclusion must be some unusual visitor will come to the temple to take refuge that day. As it happened as he thought about, at the same day a devotee came to the temple of Wat Rakang to invited the abbot to perform a religious ceremony out of the temple. Before the abbot left, he instructed a novice monk in the temple that if there were visitor who visit the temple that day, they must use all effort to retained him at the temple until he come back. On that day, when Somdej Toh arrived at the temple of Wat Rakang, the novice monk told him the incident and requested him to wait and stayed for his abbot to come back.


Somdej Toh was amazed with the incident, but he however stayed on and wait for the abbot to get back. After a moment, the abbot returned in a hurry and asked the novice monk is there any visitor who came to the temple. Somdej Toh was even more surprised and asked the abbot how come he knows that he will visit the temple on that day. The abbot told him of his dream and Somdej Toh immediately greet and pay respects to the abbot. When the abbot saw Somdej Toh he knew that Somdej Toh was an unusual person, with his head appeared larger than the rest of other monks, he will become a very outstanding monk and accepted him as his disciple. Somdej Toh were popular for his knowledge in both holy Dhamma and Visha (magic). The abbot taught Somdej Toh everything he knew until the last day of his life.

In Thailand, whenever the monks attend a prayer chanting ceremony they will carry a holy fan, these fan describe their ranking statue. Before any ceremony start, the holy fan will be raised in front of the monk’s before chanting the verses. One day the King of Thailand invited Somdej Toh to conduct a bliss seeking prayer ceremony at a temple. Somdej Toh was holding his holy fan standing at the river bank when he intended to get a boat to get across the river. The area boat-man around there would normally provide Somdej Toh a free trip without charge because they know him well. On a particular day, a boat-man who came from some where else that did not know Somdej Toh provide him a ride across the river and ask Somdej Toh for the boat fare. As he know that the boat-man is just making a living, he offered his royal sealed holy fan to the boat-man as the fare. When Somdej Toh arrived at the temple the royal guards get confused as why Somdej Toh did not carry the holy fan with him and thought that he might had forgotten to bring it along.


When the royal guards learned about incident, they are in fear as the holy fan was granted to Somdej Toh by the King with the royal seal on it, and also the holy fan was decorated with precious gemstones and the handle of the holy fan was made by ivory. When this matter was referred to the King, the King immediately ordered his royal guards to get back the holy fan from the boat-man. When the royal guards found the boat-man, he was still shivering and mentioned that it was Somdej Toh who insisted him to took the holy fan as the boat fare. The royal guard paid the boat fare and get back the holy fan from the boat-man and returned it back to Somdej Toh. From this story we can see the generosity of Somdej Toh. After this incident the King make a decision with a new law that no boat ride charges should be imposed on any monk taking a boat ride across the Chao Phraya River and this law is still enforce to present day.

There was a day when Somdej Toh was taking a short afternoon nap, he notice that somebody have entered his room by the corner of his eye, he realized that it was a thief. He keep unknown and pretended asleep and did not bother with the thief. When the thief is about to leave, he saw a small gift box on the wall shelf near where Somdej Toh is sleeping. He intended to get the small box from the shelf but scare it may wake up Somdej Toh. The thief try hard to achieve the small box, but he failed to get it. Somdej Toh suddenly woke up to get the small box and hand it to him. The thief was confused when he see Somdej Toh gave him the small box without anger. He bravely asked Somdej Toh why he gave the small box to him, Somdej Toh told him, you are here for your neediness that why you came here, this small box belongs to me and I have to take care and look after it everyday. Now that you want it, I shall let you have it and I will be free from taking care of it. We came to this world without bringing anything with us, and we will not be taking anything with us when we leave. So why should we have to tied ourselves so much in this human world?


Somdej Toh remained so dedicated to his life as a monk and brought many inspirations and implications to the people. He devotes large amount of funds he had for building several large Buddha statues on the government property. During the year 1872 (B.E.2415), Somdej Toh intended to build a tall standing Buddha statue holding a alms bowl at Wat IN (known as Wat Intharaviharn), when the Buddha statue is in process Somdej Toh who personally inspecting the construction of the Buddha statue, when the Buddha statue were under construction he used to slept at the site tent under the foot of the Buddha statue. On a night of June in the year 1872, when the statue was incomplete Somdej Toh pass away at the foot of the Buddha statue. Somdej Toh who originated the idea and unfortunately he is unable to see its completion. Somdej Toh left behind many precious such as the Buddha statues, temples and hundred thousands of Phra Somdej amulets. He also left behind the scripture text of Chinabanchorn Katha which is beneficial to all (is also known as The Grand Sutra Text). At the present time, more than 50 percents of devotees are able to chant this Katha.


Because of his power of meditation and prayer, he created amulet of Phra Somdej reputed to be the most popular amulet among Buddhist collectors. The amulets were blessed and chanted by him and other respected famous monks in Thailand. He became famous for his wisdom, a venerable monk who gives Dharma talk to the royal palace and the public throughout the country.


The Holy Monk - Luang Phor Koon Paritsuttho


Luang Phor Koon (LP Koon) was born on 4th day of October in 1923 (B.E.2466) in a small village called Ban Rai, Dan Khun Thod District, Nakhon Ratchasima Province (It is also commonly known as Korat). LP Koon was the eldest son and had two younger sisters. His mother died when he was at the age of 11. LP Koon was then taken care by his aunties. Not so long after his mother death, his father remarried and LP Koon was sent to Wat Ban Rai to study Buddhism. During the day, he helped his father to plough the field, fed and bathed the buffalo, At night, he went to the temple to study and help to clean up the temple during his spare time.


When LP Koon was at the age of 20, his auntie and relatives gave's some money and sent him to Wat Thanon HatYai. LP Koon was ordained as a monk at the age of 21 at Wat Thanon HatYai on May in 1944 ( B.E.2487). Phra Kru Wijahn Dtigit was the preceptor and Phra Kru Atigahn Torng Suk was his dhamma teacher. His monk's name is called Paritsuttho. During the year, at the summer observation vacation, he went to Wat Nongpho to learn meditation under the master Luang Phor Daeng (LP Daeng), and further his studies on Buddhist knowledge.


After several years, through his exceptional intelligence, he had studied almost everything from LP Daeng, such as Dhamma, Samadhi and Wichah (magic). Then LP Daeng told him. “You have now acquired a firm foundation against basic meditation and the Sanskrit language, and it is time for you to seek for other renowned master to further your knowledge.”


He introduced a high ranking monk to LP Koon known as Luang Phor Khang (LP Khang). When LP Khang met LP Koon he could immediately tell that LP Koon was a very unusual monk and will have a bright future ahead and accepted him as his disciple.


LP Koon learnt to cultivate Buddhist practice as well as all forms of spiritual powers from LP Khang. In the course of his studies, he had to climb over mountains and enter the forest to practice the spiritual powers on remote mountain peaks. Three years went by, when LP Koon had learnt up everything, he left his master LP Khang and decided to go on his own to fulfill the Buddhism faith and help the needy. Wherever he goes he was well respected monk by the villagers.


Later on, LP Koon meet with LP Kong, (a Thudong monk) while LP Kong went Thudong he will brought LP Koon along. Besides Dhamma and Samadhi, LP Kong also taught LP Koon with magic chanting and inserting takrut. After learning from LP Kong for sometime, LP Koon went Thudong alone as far as Laos, Cambodia and other places in the Northeast and stayed in the forests for many years.


One day when LP Koon went Thudong and reached a mountain border between Thailand and Laos, the mountain area was very strange and surrounded with unusual weird looking trees. On that evening, several woodcutters were seen rushing down the mountain. LP Koon enquired about it and come to know that the mountain was previously a Kingdom. Due to the fact that many had died there, a lot of grievance spirits roam out at night to cause harm and disturbances to the villagers. All the villagers were in fear and nobody dare to enter or stay on the mountain in the night.

The woodcutters advised LP Koon to leave the mountain as many monks had encountered misfortunes. LP Koon replied, “Since there are many grievance spirits in the mountain, as a monk I have an obligation to help them and hope to take them out from their realms of suffering.” The woodcutters remain silent and thought that they would have to return the next day to collect his dead body.

LP Koon than found a suitable area and set up his tent under a tree. After a process of purification, he started to meditate and chant prayers inside his tent. In the middle of the night, a strange wind occurred and in the course of it, he than heard a voice crying in the wilderness and the sound is getting nearer and nearer to him. Later he heard a voice speaking to him, LP Koon listened and heard the grievance spirit said, “Hey! Here you come again, the guy in yellow robe. You are so daring. You do not know how many of these guys with yellow robe had died here. You will experience death in a little while. Ha-ha-ha-ha.”

The crying sound became louder as the wind blows stronger. At that time, LP Koon keep on chanting mantras and suddenly a bright yellow light come down and enshrined his tent. The surrounding trees were swaying heavily from side to side and it seen to wind up the tent of LP Koon. Even the trees that were about to fall on his tent are expelled by the yellow light. LP Koon keep on concentrate with meditation inside the tent.


The evil windstorm stop eventually, many trees was felled but LP Koon remained unhurt. The evil spirit was dissatisfied with LP Koon and wondered why this yellow robe guy could not be hurt. LP Koon then used his spiritual power and talk to the spirits, I’m here for you and I wanted to help you relieve from suffering in this human world.


Suddenly there were a large number of ghost rising up and stand in front of LP Koon. Among them is the King of ghosts in the mountain. When the ghost King saw LP Koon he knelt down before him. Than the King was asked by LP Koon, why he had not taken a reincarnation and the ghost King replied that the mountain was once a Royal Kingdom and he was the King. The people of the Kingdom lived a peaceful and a happy life. It happened one day, the whole Kingdom was infected with contagious disease, all the villagers are killed by the infectious disease causing the death of hundreds of thousands that spread to them. Due to the fact that were a treasured been passed down by the ancestors, the spirits were there to kept guard over the treasured by prohibited any outsiders from taking away. Anybody who come to the mountain will be die or punished eventually.


After LP Koon heard the conclusion of the whole matter, he advised on the Buddhist philosophy to convince the ghost and said, Since everybody had died and the body in the physical form had perished, all the treasures were of no use anymore as they cannot be worn. What is the use of possessing them? Moreover, you all have killed so many people especially those in yellow robe who were observing the precepts, how long will the revenge end? Put off the evil thoughts and embrace Buddha! “All of you must know that birth, aging, sickness and death are the cosmic law of Samsara and everybody has to face such a law and no one can avoid, not even the Buddha himself. All of you will have to suffer from the effect of Samsara and the retribution for all the evil deeds caused and can never take reincarnation if evil acts are continued. Is it worthwhile?”


The ghost King kept silence and asked LP Koon, Do we have the chance to repent? LP Koon answer, “Of course, previously you have done so much evil deeds harmed and killed many innocent people, although you repent now, all of you should also face the retribution for your past misdeeds as everyone is equal under the concept of karma. The good deeds will be rewarded and the wrongdoings will be punished. All of you will suffer the retribution of Samsara and will be born in the animal realm in the next life.”


The ghost King was so touched and impressed with LP Koon words. He offered three bows to LP Koon in appreciation and said with sincerity: “We hope that LP Koon will help us from the ghosts realm to attain the fruit of Buddhahood. We are not afraid to be rebirth in the animal realm.” LP Koon put his palms together and chanted prayers on deliverance. The chanted prayers were able to clear all the cycle of Samsara. From then on, the mountain returned to its quite and peaceful state. The villagers began to enter the mountain for cutting wood and plough lands.


During the rainy season, LP Koon will stayed in any of the temple near town to Khow Pansah (rainy season for a monk to stay indoors), if he was still in the forest, he would stay in the forest and continue his Thudong. As time goes by, LP Koon returned back to Thailand after several decades of Thudong. LP Koon returned to his village to visit his grandmother, his grandmother said to him, “You are always out to dedicate the Buddhist faith, why don’t you consider developing a temple in our own village? The temple in the village is in bad condition and so run-down and the monk’s here do not have a decent place to chant their prayers.” With the advice given by his grandmother, LP Koon decided to stay back and determine to develop and rebuild the temple in his village.


LP Koon, then asked the villagers and his lay disciples to source for fund for the construction of the temple. At that time, when peoples know that LP Koon is constructing the temple, many devotees around every corner come forward to helped. When the temple was almost completed, LP Koon cast a lot of amulets and offered as a gifts to all devotees who had helped. LP Koon is one of the most famous and top guru monks in Thailand. For almost two decades, LP Koon chanted mystical incantation and inserted Takrut for devotees. LP Koon is very good in the Visha (magic) of inserting Takrut. He would personally insert the Takrut into the arm of the devotees, these Takrut are very well proven to protect a person from accidents, Metta (kindess) and as well as Kong Grapan (immunity from weapons).


LP Koon, then asked the villagers and his lay disciples to source for fund for the construction of the temple. At that time, when peoples know that LP Koon is constructing a new temple, many devotees around every corner come forward to helped. When the temple was almost completed, LP Koon cast a lot of amulets and offered as a gifts to all devotees who had helped. LP Koon is one of the most famous and top guru monks in Thailand. For almost two decades, LP Koon chanted mystical incantation and inserted Takrut for devotees. LP Koon is very good in the Visha (magic) of inserting Takrut. He would personally insert the Takrut into the arm of the devotees, these Takrut are very well proven to protect a person from accidents, Metta (kindess) and as well as Kong Grapan (immunity from weapons).  


Brief Biography of Luang Phoo Tim,Wat Lahanrai


Luang Phoo Tim was born in Ban Hua Tunnttabuon, Tambon Laharn, Ampher Bannkaii, Jungwat Rayong on the 16th June BE 2422 in the year of the Rabbit. He was named Tim, and his family name was Ngamsii. At the age of 17 his father, Kheh, sent to Tan Phor Singh to study, returning home at the age of 19 and was ordained as a monk at Wat Thatkaow on the 7th June BE 2499. He was ordained by Phrakru Kaow, Archan Singh and Archan Kehh and was given the religious name of Issaliko. After spending a year in Wat Thatkaow, he retreated in the forest for a period of three years, after which he went to Wat Narmathom in Chengwat Chonburi for two years. Luang Phor Tim learned Wijja (magic) with Ajahan Lod, Ajahn Lem and Ajahn Saii. He also studied with his Uncle Luang Phor Song Thao of Wat Kongchin. It was from this uncle that Luang phor Tim inherited a book of Wicha and Arkom. Luang Phor Tim became the Abbot of Wat Lahanrai where he was a strict and diligent practioner of the Dhamma. He was known to be a very good monk and possessed few worldly materials. In the hut where he stayed, he only had a pillow and a mat with no electricity. He lived a simple life. He passed away on the 18th October BE 2518 having spent 72 years in the Sangha.


Amulets of LP Tim

* Phra Khun Paen Guman Plaai* is one of the most famous amulets created by Luang Phor Tim of Wat Lahanarai. His amulets are very popular and expensive, but for good reason. A popular account has been well publicized around the internet. This is an updated and somewhat more accurate version. Phra Khun Paen Pong Plaai Guman of LP Tim Isarigo, a senior monk of Wat Lahanrai, Rayong province, is respected as one of the most sacred amulets consecrated in modern times. A genuine Phra Khun Paen Guman Plaai amulet is probably the hardest to find, and fakes abound everywhere. This amulet is well proven in Metta Mahaniyon, Metta Mahasaneh, business success etc. The actual methods used to create this amulet follow the ancient traditional ways. Only a few guru monks are known this century to be able to create such an amulet, namely Luang Phoo Tim himself, and Luang Phor Tae of Wat Sahm Ngam. The most popular series "the first block") containing both Pim Yai and Pim Lek, some with sacred takruts and others without. It is generally believed that LP Tim had asked a disciple to make the amulets for him and on a daily basis he would bring newly made amulets to the temple and then LP Tim would gradually recite the sacred spell for each and every amulet. Indeed it was recorded that 30-40 of the Pim Yai amulets and around 100-200 of the Pim Lek amulets were brought to him daily. The disciple responsible for making the amulets was known to have stated that only a single mould was created for both the Pim Lek and The Pim Yai amulets. LP Tim did not make further moulds and as such it's highly likely that only a single series of these amulets were ever created. Many dealers may claim to possess amulets that have originated from different series, but be warned you are most likely being deceived. One of the reasons that such a low quantity of these amulets were produced was no doubt due to the difficulty and danger associated in production. As stated previously it was well known amongst experts of the black magic sciences that only a few monks possessed the ancient knowledge required to produce such an amulet. Mr. Lap Choicharoen If lesser persons attempted such a process it is highly likely that they would themselves become possessed with demonic spirits or harmed in some  way. Luang Phor Tae of Wat Sam Nagm was the only other living monk who possessed the knowledge.



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